Wedding Costs

August 27th, 2019

Weddings can be expensive – even simple ones! And they almost never come in under budget…

According to the ASIC Moneysmart website the average Australian wedding costs $36,200 and when you are talking ‘average’ it means for every budget wedding costing under $10,000, there’s another at the high end costing over $60,000.

Cost is one excellent reason to consider a destination wedding and it could be as inexpensive as less than $5,000 for the ceremony, reception for 20 guests (two-course or buffet with two-hour beverage package) as well as include 7 nights accommodation for the bride and groom – wedding, reception and honeymoon done and dusted for a fraction of the wedding at home. Sure, guests have to pay for flights and accommodation but mostly guests see it as a terrific excuse for a tropical holiday! It can become a wedding week rather than a wedding day.

Here is a link to the wedding section on the Moneysmart website.

(Photo: Wedding set up at Erakor Island Resort in Vanuatu)

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